The Adventures of Sir Edric, by Thadeus White

Title: The Adventures of Sir Edric (Volume 1)
Author:  Thaddeus White
Publisher and Copyright:  Tickety Boo Press Ltd, © 2016
Price:  Release Date:  March 31, 2016
Cathbad’s Rating:  9 of 10

A Review by, Cathbad

The Adventures of Sir Edric

(Volume 1)

By, Thaddeus White

           I don’t read much comedy.  I used to keep up with the Fletch series, mainly because the stories were based in my neck of the woods (and I enjoyed the movies).  Besides Addams and Anthony, I haven’t read much Comic Fantasy.
            Apparently, I’ve been missing out!

            Let’s discuss the cover, first.  Yoong has done an exceptional job capturing Sir Edric’s attitude of self-confident smarminess.  The background is very medieval.  Even the type font sings Fantasy!  It’s an excellent cover for a great book. 

Now to the storyline.  Sir Edric is commanded by King Lawrence to proceed northward on a quest Edric often describes as “a journey towards his highly probable death”.  Along the way, he is waylaid (as all knights are) by side adventures.  One must care for the needs of the peasants, right?   No!  Who are you, Cathbad, a Lysandra fan?  Hey, you!  Get out of my review!  Phhht... Some review!  You haven’t even mentioned my manservant Dog, yet!  Hey!  Give me a chance!  Phhht… I’m outta here.

Anyway… with his faithful hound… er, I mean ‘manservant’ Dog, and the haughty elven Sorceress Lysandra (assigned by the King to make sure Edric actually goes on the quest), Sir Edric proceeds on his journey to his highly probable death.

What suspense!  Will Sir Edric reach the Temple of Despair?  Will he succeed in his quest?  Will the King get his scepter and seal back?  Will Sir Edric ever get in Lysandra’s pants? 

He and Dog (mostly Dog) constantly come up with plans to get out of the “Highly Probable Death" Quest, but are constantly thwarted (mostly by Lysandra).  Meanwhile, Sir Edric must overcome friends imprisoning him, murderous apothecaries, scoundrels and monsters (who sometimes happen to be Sir Edric’s ‘friends’).

We are treated to a first-person Point of View, and of course, that’s through Sir Edric’s prejudiced eyes.  Part bumbler, part drunk, part accidental hero, Sir Edric is nothing, if not a Scoundrel and a Womanizer.  And I find him to be a most endearing character!  He’s what every boy wishes to be when he grows up (and has no mama to teach him better).

            The Adventures of Sir Edric is a well written, well-paced story, set in a colorful, well-planned world.  If you haven’t read too much comic fantasy (like me), this is a great book to start with.  But bring some tissue… you’re gonna laugh ‘til you cry!

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